Summit Leadership Academy High Desert

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End of Year Announcements

As the end of the school year approaches, we have a lot of information to pass on today. 

Tomorrow, May 21st, there will be no school due to a pre planned snow day.  

Monday, May 24th will be the last day for on campus instruction for group A. Tuesday, May 25th, will be the last day for on campus instruction for group B. Wednesday and Thursday will be asynchronous days, where all learning will take place at home. 

Each student is to bring their school issued devices back on Monday and Tuesday. If the Chromebook is needed to complete work to the end of the school year, please come in on Thursday next week, to turn in the devices. All devices and instruments must be returned to our High School Campus. Our office hours are 7:00AM to 3:30PM. These devices include Chromebooks, chargers, hot spots and musical instruments. 


If your student plans on attending summer school and you received a summer school form and only the parent signed, Summit Leadership Academy needs the student to sign as well. We will not enroll the student if we do not have both signatures. Please call the office at 760-949-9202 between 7:00AM-3:30PM with any questions.